Google Ad Manager

I get an error like this after submitting it for approval. What is the solution?

Did you click in send again?

Yes, I clicked 3 times and got the same result.

You need to get at least one app monetization approval form kodular to get ad manager account approval…

I am facing same issues…

Just waiting for kodular 26 June big update…

U can also wait for it…:hourglass_flowing_sand::hourglass_flowing_sand::hourglass_flowing_sand:

Is there any solution other than waiting?

You have any app monetization approval

what do you think eCPM issue will b solved?

You could just enjoy the day, or take some walks outside, visit some friends, clean up your room…

No I don’t have an approved app

These are the things I do routinely, I’m looking for a solution on this issue.

The last updates brought so many headaches (extensions not working anymore, days without getting to compile an app, huge fall of revenue for those who migrated do ad manager etc) that it is only normal to keep worried even with a big update coming. In my case I must admit, I feel worried with this update even more that if it was just a few bug corrections.

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I am also afraid for the big update. I hope Kodular staff will have all under control in this occasion.


yes as compare to Admob, people who migrated to Google AdManager gets less ad revenue because of low eCPM & no CPC.

@almeidapablo @Didyme_Apps @aamee
Thanks for your feedback, but I submitted it for approval after the kodilar update but it was not approved as well
How can i fix the problem?

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Incomprehensibly, it happened again. Kodular staff is once again making the same mistakes by releasing an untested update. What’s more, they now say absolutely nothing about when or how they will fix the bugs. In other words, more of the same.

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My account is still not confirmed, what is the solution?

Which of your account has not been approved yet, you are talking about the kodular account, this Google admanager account? whether you need monetization approval or your application?