Google App Indexing?

Good day All. I have been using Kodular for a few months now and really enjoy its flexibility and uses. thanks to the developers and support from the community.

My question has to deal with Google App indexing. While Google does provide some pretty extensive information on how to implement within Android Studios (DOnt have access to source files via Kodular-also researched Java Bridge), I cannot seem to find if any information has been posted on how to implement within the Kodular platform.

There are several sources within the community that explain the Firebase implemention, by these seem to be from the stance of database and user creation and dont touch one app indexing.

Has anyone implemented Google App indexing within their Kodular apps that they have created?
Also looking for any information over Amazon Fire implemention.

Thanks all!

Hi @Res.cogitans,

Thanks for asking, Kodular does not have this feature and so far there have not been any known extensions that carry FAI.


Thank you. I appreciate the heard up!