Google cloud platform error

I am getting a problem with my app after uploading a app on play store. It says about google cloud platform api is exposed to public. so currently I have unpublished my apps and got following error

help me out from such error

Hi @ombhat327 You received this alert as you have used Firebase on your app. There is nothing wrong with this alert till now. So, just ignore the alert and republish your app. Hope it helps. Thanks.

i tried this but when app opens it says firebase object null if design block set empty…

Do you set the values ​​through blocks?

Yes I was set that with obstructed text when screen initialize but after opening the screen error msg says invalid firebase url specified.

can you provide sample aia??

finally its working designer block of firebase need to be keep default otherwise it says firebase null url.

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Everyone should notice that app will be suspend or remove from play store due to this lambda error (GCP). My one app is suspended due to this error.

Google said it?

Are you sure that your app was not removed for any other reason instead of lambda?

Yes I got mail from google as policy violation of exposed GCP but I have not seen that. Console gives another chance for it and if further update not provide then it will suspend app if 2 or more app suspend console terminated, as my account suspended yesterday.

We’re investigating this issue!

Then, hows your investigation?

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