I am having trouble with Google Login in my App.
I have done everything correctly in the app to setup Email-password and Google Login and Email-password is working fine but the problem is in Google login. Email-password working video.mp4 (4.5 MB)
See below Screenshots:-
But after selecting an account nothing shows up and the dialog closes. (The app does not shows any error.) Google login problem video.mp4 (3.8 MB)
(I have blurred the title because I don’t want to share my App Idea)
yes it is normal behavior, when a user taps on google account, it gets stored in firebase, rest is up to you what do you want to do after a user selects a Google account to login.
for ex Use - When Firebase Current user success block, set an img as user’s profile pic
I have done everything like adding SHA Certificate, enable Google login in Firebase, upload latest Google Services.json and to confirm all that the email login method is working fine