Google_Map Add Markers From Json

Dear pipechela, I am trying my way to be able to use geo information like car, bus, hospitals, restaurants and other icons from but have no idea how to import the JSON structures generated there. Can you give me a starting point where I can find how to do it?
Thanks in advance

Here a start point, you only need a lat and a lng block to put in a join

Hi, thanks for your contribution, it is helping a lot.
But an additional question: is there a way to bring the little icon that is available at I mean the icons representing entities like hospitals, restaurants, schools and other things?
I understand the blocks above will draw standard makers right?
Thanks a lot for your time.

At the moment there isn’t an option for custom markers in Google maps

Hi Dora, but Google Maps have custom icons like on the image below.
Do You mean there is no way to plot such icons from Kodular?

I was hoping that as Kodular can import features from and on one can plot multiple of these icons one could then import such definition from Kodular and other AppInventor based programming tools.
Do you mean it is not possible?

As far as I know there is not such option with Google maps component and Kodular.

Hi, thanks, that is what I am trying to find.
If you check Map - Kodular Docs there are references as below:
(link Feature Collection - Kodular Docs)

Feature From Description:

Convert a feature description into an App Inventor map feature. Currently the onlysupported conversion is from a GeoJSON point to Marker component. If the feature hasproperties, they will be mapped into App Inventor properties using the following mapping:description becomes Description;draggable becomes Draggable;infobox becomes EnableInfobox;fill becomes FillColor;fill-opacity becomes FillOpacity;image becomes ImageAsset; stroke becomes StrokeColor;stroke-opacity becomes StrokeOpacity;stroke-width becomes StrokeWidth;title becomes Title;visible becomes Visible

So I assume there must be a way to format the GeoJson generated map features into Kodular and get the “image”.
What other images could that be if not the icon you select at

Also, there are plenty of Android Apps that deal with maps and can show these and other icons like cars, buses, and other things, so Google Maps offer this possibility, the question is can Kodular, somehow, dynamically import or share these resources?
That is what I am trying to find out.


At the moment, you can’t use personalized icons. Just change the color of the pin