Hello, this look interesting, i hope see it as extension in Kodular.
It seems interesting!
Hi @seghier,
Can you please explain elaborately, what do you want from ML Kit?
Because ML kit is a big subject as it consists of many APIs
This is the list of All API Provided in ML Kit till 1st September 2020
You can check more in the docs
Personaly i need pose detection and digital ink detection, but all other tools are very useful
You can try MIT’s Posnet Extension. It works but with little lag.
You can download it from MIT App Inventor Extensions
Till I know, There is no such extension till now for it…
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Very nice, thank you i will try it later
ML=machine learning if u want it take from tensorflow
I made a little change in your title.
Posenet work fine with Appinventor but not with Kodular
I follow this page to create extension but the problem all results have the same number of components and some of them with big size ,ore than 10mb, does anyone know how to add more components?
List of extensions can created with this tool:
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