Google Pixel 3 Fake Mockup

I’m gonna take my time with this post… And explain what the current situation is with the current version of Kodular and why it has important issues to be fixed.

Recently I came across the new Mockup device on Kodulars UI. Interrupting the Material Design UI. I would like to ask since they’ll only wait for complaints as I was told, if you like the new mockup device. I thought it’d be nice with this Google Pixel 3:

Instead they decided not to allow this because I’m the unique one who doesn’t like it, and I’m the only one who complained about it. It has dots that are green for the camera. It doesn’t really look real in my mind. I tried providing feedback for which they could approve on but, no one ever tested it, so who knows if you’d like it? The question is, do you like the new mockup currently on

  • No, I hate it
  • Yes, I’m in love
  • Eh, it’s OK

0 voters

If you vote “No, I hate it”… You want the more latest device, with the better look.

I appreciate your comments. I would like to add that it is important for all of us to be realistic in our expectations. the Kodular team announced a release schedule that is closer to a CR then before. I would add that it is important for us to support change, even if it is not perfect.

Do not let perfection get in the way of progress.

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You should vote. Your opinion matters.

The fact that a 'Clearly White" png is not rendering properly is a primary concern. I give my vote that it is critical enough to need attention.

Its just because when an image is shown in full view and the image has a transparent part, it shows the gradient black background. Its rendering fine.

I know this was your thoughts but mockup won’t change anything to me. (Everyone can think different, this is my thoughts) It is just an image, we can still make apps without even mockup. This won’t stop us from making apps if mockup was removed. The important things are blocks, components etc. but I don’t think mockup is a -really important- thing.


I use the tablet preview, the phone is too small


I use the tablet preview too :sweat_smile:


Think almost everyone uses it along with scrollable :grin: