Google play new 16 apr update

Dear developer according to new 16 APR update google play console you must require show that assets download notification after installation app. so please some one guide me how i am do it and what is it matter .

Please help me .

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Ask a permission to Write External Storage
& Before asking that show a Notifier that to run this app we need some assets to download in your Device… Agree Or Disagree

Guys this policy is for game developers, who allow users to download resources or assets.

They have to mention the size resources before downloading.

So dont worry about it. It is not for app developers.

can you provide me block for this

Thankyou for reply
I am beginner
can you tell me my app on education and some pictures and icon upload in asset and use in app.
it is create problem me or not on google play console.

Share your app link, i will check.

Always try to create your own icon, or images using apps like picsart, adobe etc. Or you can take copyright free to use icons from 3rd party sites like flat icons.

this type my assets all assest in png

These are material icons free to use. These will not create any problems.