Google Play's target API level

As per Google Play, targeted API level should be minimum 28, effective from 1 November 19. Before 01 Nov 19 targeted api should be minimum 26 .

My question is
if i target api 28 , can users having android 5.0 (api 21) be able to download and install it on their phone?
what api should i target 28, 26 or below if i want to publish an app earlier that 01 November 19? Please


Apps made with Kodular already target Api 28, to use your app on Lollipop you should select min target Api 21


thanks for your reply .

if i want to upload it to play store and also want the lower version android users use it . then what would you suggest please? because my targeted audiences are using lower version android and also use play store .

The lowest api on Kodular you can use is 4.4



thank you :+1:

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