Googlesheet QUIZ app ( Without any extension, any permission, no hidden blocks)

What is the name of your app?

GowriSankaR_gsheet Quiz App

Even though plenty of methods are there , but i attempted in a new way to use gsheet to conduct quiz

Describe your app:

I designed this app only for the newbies who joined in our kodular Community for the purpose of making making Quiz app during this pandemic(School level)

(P.S:This app is not recommended for the developers or moderators or even experts. This app is not for sale. Soon i will upload aia file if no bugs are found, so far there is no bugs found.)

I didnt concentrate much on UI. So please dont turn your face. I have attempted to use google sheet can bu used for conducting Quiz app and no need to look for any paid extensions.

I Really thank @Taifun and @dora_paz who helped me directly as well indirectly.



A col - serial no.
B col - Questions
C col - Opt 1
D col - Opt 2
E col - Opt 3
F col - Opt 4
G col - Answer (Important col)

You can upload any number of question at any time… But Synchronization is important.

How it is viewable in app:

App Store/Download link:

Demo App : GSR_GSheet_Quiz.apk (5.5 MB)

Used Blocks
Let Me show you the blocks

I have used few Variables, Procedures. When the screen initialize, i stored tehghseet value in global variable and every move app will display the questions orderly.

In Next version let me simply the blocks and then will give you aia file…
I am also a teacher, and implemented this app with limited group and found so far no issue. Let me update it. I didnt work much on UI, so dont critise about it, You try to catch the Rules of the blocks.

Thank you

If possible use the blocks


thank you!



Because my ideology is so simple…

Gr8 app @Still-learning
Some suggestions:

  1. I suggest you to add a checkbox in front of these. It’ll look nice.

  1. This seems to be a but plane…

  1. After completing, only a notifier shows with button ‘ok’… I suggest you to add ‘Play Again’ also…
    Also, it seems to be plane like the previous one…

Umm well ignore my score :sweat_smile::nerd_face:

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Well, @Manbir , thank you for your suggestions… Let me include it all. I feel happy that at least you tried the app and responded, thank you…

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Thank you so much…
I was trying the same quiz app with Google sheet but could not get the results

So much needed guide…

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Thanks for the feedback. Soon we will add few more update… wait for few days… I will give aia too


I have also made a quiz app but not really a quiz app, small suggestion you can put your option in one single column like you have 4 options “red, green, blue, pink” you can put your option in spreadsheet combining it with any symbol like"red>>green>>blue>>pink" when data has been called then you can split the data and you can use as different option this will reduce the loading time of your quiz app

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V2… Adding features such that it will pop up with green if it is correct and as wrong suppose if it is wrong.

User can click one time only and second click is not acceptable…