[Guide] How to use Firebase Authentication :google: :firebase: on :kodular:

To send the code, to will have to use this block @Meghraj_Singh

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Is This One Time Sign Up System

compiling error

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________________Firebase components found.
________________Firebase config file error.

has u uploaded the google json file if yes then check its name



It has been asked many times :slightly_smiling_face::


thanks for helping…


Try also uploading the database secrets. Then it will work

[Guide] How to use Firebase Authentication :google: :firebase: on :kodular: - #18 by dreemincome

How to check that email is verified or not on email password sign up method.

There is only 1 block to verify but no blocks to check whether the email is verified or not.

You need to read the firebase docs > reference > REST > Authentication and User management > confirm verification email. Read this-


Thanks for the reply,

But I am not able to understand this. Can you tell me what is the function of verify email block in firebase authentication component??



I am using this Firebase authentication block which is working perfectly as expected.

I have one website which is accessed via webview

  1. screen1 - firebase login screen - on successful login redirect to screen2
  2. screen2 - webview code which is going to website URL

so how can i make user login to my website from screen1 to screen2

You can use this -

When firebase successfully login - Open another screen name=Screen2

@HRIHAAN_SHAIKH-M thank you for reply

Hello just updating my previous comment with more details

1**. Screen1** - using firebase authentication block and getting user login perfectly and passing the username & email to one API on my server (xyz.com/getuser.php) using POST method
(this is working perfectly)
2. On my server - getuser.php - I check whether he is an existing user or not and for the existing user I create a session token and put the session token into the makelogin.php file and redirect the user to the homepage with login status as LOGIN
3. Screen2 - on screen2 I have used webview to connect to makelogin.php file so that user will get the token and redirect to the homepage with login status

I am not sure whether I am doing it correctly or not or there is any other way to achieve this

my website use mysql to maintain user details and its not connected to firebase

Send my the blocks @surun


Following are my two blocks - screen1 & screen2

@surun Please also add a block called GET CURRENT USER at the beginning of Login success

Also you are using same notifier show alert for two times but it won’t work properly or second one only maximum will pop up. So Use some timer or use snakbar notifier

In the code that was downloaded from the FireBase, open and add in the second line the link to the database in real time