Gviz Private Gsheet

how edit at the end??? Your url seems to be wrong

at the end it have to be exec

this is my script url without any query


sry, I pasted the edited URL. It’s like that in my APP.


result should not appear like this… Did you follow all the methods correctly?
I think you forget to do i think

Yes, I followed all the methods correctly.

I will follow the guide again and see what I can get.

Just remembering: I can add values to the spreadsheet. I’m just not getting the values.


Follow the steps. Do not forget, two times you need deploy it. If u miss result wont appear as said by TimAi2

Use Response content

Response code 200 is success to get data.

This has been fixed. But it is not yet possible to fetch data.
I am following the steps again.

@Still-learning ,
I feel like I’m committing a crime for getting that result every time.



can you add my mail id as a editor till the problem solve?

Of course, I am very grateful for your attention.

check ur pm

You appear to be mixing two things, “the gviz private sheet query”, and “a doGet(e) submit data to a spreadsheet”.

These require different approaches. it may be easier to have a different web app for each, then you do not have to run any if tests in the web app (if query then, else submit) and send additional parameters from the app for this.

You may be OK if you use doGet(e) for the query and doPost(e) for the submit though…

Try this script Gvizscript.txt (577 Bytes)

I have success with my test project.
Ex : https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwAH0Yb2kV_C9sL3KaGqqpx9p5LnvD4NSybOEPyMQ/exec?sheet= Sheet name &query= query

https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwAH0Yb2kV_C9sL3KaGqqpx9p5LnvD4NSybOEPyMQ/exec?sheet=Sheet1&query=SELECT A,B,C

Click query SELECT A,B,C

Click query SELECT B WHERE A = 3

Click query SELECT C WHERE B = ‘Red’

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It was the missing piece for my puzzle!

In this case, we do not edit the Manifest. What is the real function of that? Could you describe it?

Use double qoute sign (") to id in script

var id = “blablablablablab”;

Thank you for your help. I can now proceed on my app.


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No, big thanks to @TimAi2 for tutorial

You are right.
Thanks @TimAi2 and @Still-learning , for taking the time to help me.

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ha ha this is what we advised for him along with script code and manifest code


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