Have errors with my app

I get the following errors on my app.

Error from Companion: The operation DebugMode cannot accept the arguments: , [empty-string]

But i dont know what was the issue.

It seems in the place of list you have initialised with empty text box

I cant find the error may can u check if i sent the aia?

yeah… let me see

Here is aia

Logingoogle1fne.aia (4.1 MB)

screen name?


error was on Points screen

try to test in apk,. since you are using fb authentication, login will not work in companion

i tested and get this error Error from Companion: The operation DebugMode cannot accept the arguments: , [empty-string]


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Ya that was the error Thanks,

but i dont want to enable it because will get test ads

Just check and uncheck.

P.S. You are aware that you are not allowed to use ads extensions in Kodular as you can get your account suspended

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yea know it, thaks for your help