Having trouble sharing images!

Having trouble sharing images, where exactly is wrong, mine

The blocks you have posted do not show the issue. There is an issue with one of your select list item blocks. Show the occurrence that creates this error.

Should be this block somewhere:

The block that you show here is no where related to the error.

See the message. Total length of the list is 7 only but you are trying to to get 22nd value, How will it be? Also dont know how many rows are there… Please post enough block

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Before your uploading complete you clicked Reply Button

Pls delete or edit the post and again upload. If the image appear right to you then click save post

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Uploading: Screenshot_2021-02-23-21-04-45-88.jpg… Uploading: Screenshot_2021-02-23-21-04-14-16.jpg… Uploading: Screenshot_2021-02-23-21-01-52-10.jpg…

Dont hurry to post. Please wait until your image upload successfully … This is how we are seeing your image

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your screenshots are useless… but I guess you already know it, because you did not get any answer up to now…

and concerning the error message… it is trying to tell you, that you are selecting the 22nd item from a list, which does have only 7 items… actually the error message is self explanatory…

use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools