Hello. can anyone help me

How to make a value change only on long press (When the long press is shipped, auto will return to the original value)

Use a short and descriptive title

  • The title is the only part of your message that most visitors will see, so make sure that a reader can understand the important part of your question only from reading the title.
  • Do not use titles like “Need help”, “IMPORTANT”, “Problem”, “URGENT”. Stating the obvious or using all-CAPS just irritates people and does not make volunteers more willing to help you.

Include enough details, preferably also pictures

  • Write a comprehensive question that includes enough details to understand your problem without having to ask complementary questions. Include important settings, extensions or software used, error messages, …
  • Write in clear English if you can, using punctuation and paragraphs when needed. Preview and proof-read your message before you post it. Clear and well formatted questions always get more answers.
  • Pictures / screen-captures are often better than words, so please take the time to attach pictures to your question.
  • Describe what you have done to try to solve your problem. People are much more willing to help if you show that you have made an effort yourself first.
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