Help in finding package name

Hey Koders…

I was making a app in which I have many app shortcuts for some apps…so in that app I want to fetch if the required app is installed or not…if installed it will ope the app but if it is not then it will go to the website from the link given in global variables…but I am not able to apply the correct logarithm…can anyone help to solve this issue…

Check This :point_down:

yeah I am using this extension to get the package names…but I want to get the specific app package name from it

Use this block to decode json, this block available in connectivity > web

Used this block also…
I have just made a list by getting all the package names…but out of them there are some available in my app…do out of those I want to open the specific app from package name…

for example: I have Google shortcut in my app and I want to to fetch the package name of Google and open it… similarly other apps also

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Ever heard about Package Utilities component?

Yeah I tried package utilities too but it can only say if the package name is installed or not…

use this extension

[FREE/BETA] System Launcher Extension - Extensions - MIT App Inventor Community

But I want to select from a list of installed packages and open the selected one

just use the get list block and select one and launch it

extension link i mentioned above

But I am not able to pit the logic…I have saved some urls to some buttons…so if one button is pressed and it has a value then it will check whether the app is installed or not…if it is then open app else open url
This is the logic…but I want to put in blocks…can any of you help me to use this logic on the code…the url opening part of one by me…now I want to open the app

I think it about deep link

What can I do with it…can’t understand

It can help you

that easy to do you can try it -

how to check app is install or not : use the file tool extension or file component and check app private directory exist or not

for checking is install or not use this extension
PkgUtils : An extension to work with Packages - Extensions - Kodular Community

if app is not install then use activity starter for opening url otherwise launch the app directly

now try it and if you want any help then post your block here for further help
at least try once then ask for help

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I will try it tomorrow and let you know if it works

But I am not saving the package name…I am just saving the links of url so how can I fetch the package name… because without it I can’t select which app to open…

Can anyone tell what to do

Where exactly is the problem?
The package manager extension gives you the package names and the LaunchApp method starts a specific app

You might want to show us your relevant blocks…
