Help Me... How to use Clock

Good night,

please help, here I am building a game where the picture is as follows, if I click button 1 then it will show a statement on clock1, and if I click button 2 it will show the statement clock2, the problem here if the button condition is 10 then I have to make clock10, what I want to ask is can I just use clock1 to declare a click on a different button. or rather I clicked on each button but showed a different statement using only clock1.

attached pictureexample1

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For each button you can use, set clock interval and then enable clock and after clock do , disable clock and on next button set another interval , also use any global veriable and with every call set it to plus 1 and check is its = 1 then call function 2.

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thank you for the response given but I still have difficulty using it, can you give an example?

something like this,







very interesting, the example you gave really helped me, although it was a little different from what I made but the example you gave solved the problem of this condition.
maybe I will ask again for my project.
but I am very grateful to you. this is the solution I need.:blush::blush:

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welcome any time, here in community we are always available for help,


Ternyata ada orang indo disini Hahaha

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Ada bang, salam kenal dari saya…

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@okybrontak @Boy_Gembel

The official language of the forum is English. Please translate your post.


Sorry, Mr. Boban,
for the new post, it was just my introduction to a countrymate, I am very happy that it turned out that codular became popular in my country namely Indonesia …
thank you for the convenience provided by the codular and the team who are ready to help for any questions that are asked
I’m happy to be a developer on this site …

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