Help me please Play console

I make a app and give on review on my Play console but there is going to 4 month and still on review I add second app for review but 2 month ago under the review still help me I already contacted Google but didn’t get any response

Did you confirm the submission to review > production?
showing a screenshot of your console could help, a review does not exceed 4/5 days exaggerating.


I sent screenshot but it under review of Kodular commnity


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What can I do now I am teanger now and I have not any encome source :crying_cat_face::pleading_face: I do some other work and collect amount to buy play console now Google terminated it :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do, if you try to create a new account they will detect it and close it again.
Maybe you had a serious violation that you didn’t attend to and that was the cause.

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Is it not fixed