Help me to create live score app

I want to make a live cricket score app and I have an API to use. But I don’t know how to use the API. Can anyone please give me a sample AIA?

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You can share your API(hide key and other) here, there by ppl will help you easily. Also share us upon clicking what is the result you are getting and all(use image editor to hide the specific areas)

Other thing no one can help you

I already create live cricket score app by cricdata api…
And you want which api

the api you use for live score,

yes im using for live score

Help… I know it’s not the forum but I have a problem with my project, I already created my project but when I wait for the apk to download it stays waiting for a barcode and I’ve waited for more than an hour. If anyone knows how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it.

send your aia i fix

how do i send the aia?

download your aia and upload in reply section

Excuse me, I still don’t understand how? Is there any other means where we can communicate?

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You should not upload the extension which is not created by youm just give us a sample or demo aia


sorry I use the translator to have a better communication

Show us when web got text blocks . As well as api response content value

BTW, to whom i am answering? @billa_ajith or @university_for_life , doubt…

to me that I am in two discussions at the same time

Run the api in the browser trn share us the result or use many online platform to parse json and use the relevant blocks… but meanwhile you should share the blocks used in your aia

Subiendo: University_copy3.aia…

no me deja subir porque pesa mucho