Help me to export data on tableview to csv on android

help me master, how i can export data from tableview to android device. please help me with this.

i will be thankfull for anyone can help me

From your screenshot it looks like you are trying to get data from a Google Spreadsheet and before you got the data you are already trying to save the text survey in a file…
Try to save the data in a file after you got the data


The process of retrieving data from Google Spreadsheet success displayed in TableView.

Then I want to save the data in the tableview as CSV in android storage. after i change this block like this, i had error when installing this apk. Please can you show me the block for this. i didn’t find any tutorial from this forum community . thank for reply @Taifun

the Button_DOWNLOAD.Click event is not the correct event to do this, because

are you using the web component to get the data?
then you could use the Web1.GotText event to store the file

also don’t forget to set the file scope to Shared and use a relative path… /Download/yourFilename.csv

which error? please elaborate


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after browsing some tutorial and you said for using web1.gotText, i found component Download from kodular, then i try to make the block and finally the result is perfect. apk works great no error package is invalid.

thank you for suggesting using web or url component @Taifun . Problem solved

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