Help me to payout from unity

This is my first time in unity. I don’t know how to payout from unity.

I had completed all required form fill up process and all are valid now.

But in my Finance section it shows No automated payout secheduled. How to set it automate.

In the transaction history there is a transfer fund option . What is the uses of this. When I click it i need to put amount to be transfer i enter it .

But I show two options i have to tick .

Please help me how to transfer balance to my paypal account.

Just don’t click on these options if you want redeem in paypal
These options are used to transfer your money to run ads in unity. so don’t use these options…

Unity Will send money in every 60 days so don’t worry about payout your money automatically sent to your paypal don’t do anything else.

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@Balajidev Thanks broo.

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