Help me to test my App

Please help me to test my App. I am trying to check if the location extension working or not. Please download the app. & give me a screenshot of the Near store screen.
Thank you in advanced

This is not the proper way of sharing the application.
Please follow these steps:

  • Change the category to Koded Apps
  • Describe few details about your apps
  • Post some screenshots

I’ve changed the category for you but edit the post following my suggestions to avoid problems. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am facing lot’s of bug from location sensors, google map, location extension that’s why i am asking to test. this version work in my device. but i want to look that it’s working on other device or not. My App was Food delivery app. That was Already available at playstore. My i am still developing to fix issue

there are ways to test your app on virtual devices. Try it. Also if you are sharing the app then follow my suggestions. It will be easier for us to test your app if you share some screenshots, functions of your app and if your app is on play store then also provide play store link.

As i said i am developing so play store has not that version. & i test on emulator that work. I test on a seperate real device that work. I give a person to test he was facing error. I want to check is anyone else facing error or not
& here are screenshot

I want to see the mark location info. Is it return perfectly or not. I can’t go different place & test that’s why i post here.