Help me with this api

getting same error.

global adgateapi must initialise with create empty list

same error

not work for me can u send more ss?

now i will get this error

Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0: ()

Let me send you a test aia

Test this.

data1.aia (52.5 KB)

ok will test

img not show , also is possible to get 50 items only?

Oh yeah… But at initial stage you should have to get all, from the list only you can extract 50 items…

test this, for now I used list view just to show you that it loads

api.aia (88.7 KB)

let me send my screen

try this
Logingoogle1fne_Shop.ais (19.4 KB)

check screen that sent

Let me check it

data2.aia (54.0 KB)

check this… Image , Name and condition has been created dynamiclly for the first 50 items… as you expects.

ok let me test

for me not work

Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0: ()

Yes it won’t. Because icon is not in the data variable. It is in the creatives. Pls ref my aia… that’s why we designed and give, it seems you not at all opened or test. So sadd d d d d
