Hello, my name is Felipe, I’m from Brazil.
I’m using google translator right now.
I have a project at kodular to create a school management
The application is already working normally, only a function is missing that I still couldn’t get, the teachers send the grades to each user, how do I do this, how do I create a system for each student to see their own media, or information
Thanks, Felipe
What you have tried so far?
You can use firebase authorization. use the UserID to refer what they can only see.
Welcome @Ficher_TM don’t spam tags, I have removed unnecessary tags.
Probably you need a database for that.
You need to design your database. I have this application on Desktop and web and now I am creating the modules for students, teachers and others (director, pedagogical supervisor)
This Database was designed in 2004 and works today …
P.S. Why does my Habitual emblem disappear every day? I have to replace it every day
What have you done?
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In English :
So, I created some functions to schedule the snack, create a profile, etc. In this issue of userid of firebase I do not know how to use. If you can give me a tip, thank you.
Schedule without database? Tell us what your goal is.
@Ficher_TM As already suggested, post
Your other post was rejected
Vou explicar o que eu fiz até agora, usar o aplicativo pela primeira vez e me informar os dados dele, para não salvar no ar. quando ele clicar em avançar ele vai para uma tela de login que informações ou e-mail e senha dele. O e-mail e a senha são informados por mim pelo WhatsApp, gostaria de substituir o meio de login pelo cpf do aluno.
Quando ele avança novamente, ele vai para uma página inicial que tem várias funções, Quiz, boletinho escolar, faltas, cantina e suporte.
No momento, apenas falta fazer boletinho e falta de escolaridade que não tenho idéia de como fazer.Falta: O professor na sala de aula faz uma chamada pelo celular e o aluno está ausente envia uma mensagem para o celular do aluno que está faltando.
Boletinho: O professor envia notas para cada aluno
Make use of Google to translate
I will explain what I have done so far, use the app for the first time and let me know his data, so as not to save it on the air. when he clicks next he goes to a login screen with information or email and password. The email and password are informed by me through WhatsApp, I would like to replace the login method with the student’s CPF.
When he advances again, he goes to a home page that has several functions, Quiz, school report card, absences, canteen and support.
At the moment, I just need to make a bulletin and lack of schooling that I have no idea how to do.Absence: The teacher in the classroom makes a call via cell phone and the student is absent sends a message to the missing student’s cell phone.
Bulletin: The teacher sends notes to each student
i also have the web application (www.schoolnxg.com) working, planning soon to have the app as well. I think i have got now few more similar minds who wants to achieve the same.
I did it, but it was hard work … and it’s not over yet … as I said, the app is the tip of the iceberg … the system behind is very big …
In Desktop 15 working
I’ll explain what I’ve done so far, use the app for the first time and let me know your data, so as not to save it in the air. when he clicks next, he goes to a login screen with information or email and password. The email and password are informed by me through WhatsApp. You want to replace the login method with the student’s CPF.
When he advances again, he accesses a home page with several functions: questionnaire, report card, absences, canteen and support.
At the moment, it is necessary to make a bulletin and lack of education that has no idea how to do it.
Absence: The teacher in the classroom makes a cell phone call and the absent student sends a message to the missing student’s cell phone.
Bulletin: The teacher sends notes to each student
Yes, this is really easy to do, now I would like to know how to do it for teachers send a note for each cpf, and each user receives his note
Really Easy ?
Working …
Searching … database … programming logic … Kodular … systems analysis
Hi. I too developed one. Started last year. Still updating. 3… 4 schools using. I developed serverside using php laravel framework. Teacher and student app in our kodular.
Mine is divided into: Students, Teacher, Director and Pedagogical Supervisor. They are the tip of the school system Desktop and Web version. PHP + Codeigniter + MySQL.
Public School.
Launch of School Notes
Greate. I am planning to buy background task extension. Presently data is fetched by app only when it is opened. So a small delay in populating data. Pls see my web app https://amalambika.dschoolapp.com
Presently using instamojo payment gateway. Planning to change to upi (free)
Do you mean, host?