Help to make an Internal Test in Google Play Console

Hello, greetings everyone. I wish you could guide me. :man_bowing: I don’t see much information about Kodular applications in the internal testing phase on Google
This is my first time publishing an app on the Google store.
I am trying to do an internal test. I already got the link and downloaded the app on the test device, but it doesn’t open I get the message “AppName stops”, however, with the .apk file no similar error ever occurred. I am using AdMob components and in-app purchases. I have created products and it is what I wanted to test.
Other references are that a) I still I keep AdMob test IDs and testmode checks. b) In Google Console I have not fully configured the application data, but for internal tests I don’t know if this is causing conflict (I mean, for example, Content Rating, Target audience, Select an app category and provide contact details, Set up Play Store listing, etc.)
My questions are:

  1. If I have already added my test device in AdMob, should I put the original IDs in Kodular? and disable the test mode option? Could this be causing the app not opening issue?
  2. Could not having completed all the application information fields in Google Console be causing an error in its execution?
  3. I use Baserow to download data, do you know if there is any conflict with Google?
    Sorry if I went on, it’s my first time and I’m at this point that I have to resolve.
    I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me some guidance as to why the application does not open once downloaded from the Google store for internal testing. Thank you so much. :wave:

I’m reviewing the errors that Google has recently shown me, and it seems to be related to an error in the Generation of AndroidManifest.xml.

The errors displayed indicate the following:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1}: A required meta-data tag in your app’s AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. You must have the following declaration within the element:

This means that it could be an error in the compilation of the .aab? And have there been problems in generating the manifest in kodular?

Capture the device log using adb logcat and let us know the results,

Hello, thank you for responding. I ran adb logcat | findstr "" , and the errors that appear are the same as those shown by Google:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1}: A required meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. You must have the following declaration within the <application> element: <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" /> .

What could be the cause of this absence of meta-data? By the way, when creating a keystore, I used the option “Have Google create it” instead of using the android.keystore obtained from Kodular, could this be causing this error?

As of my knowledge, this error is from your Admob extension. Can you show the reference of which Admob extension you’re using?

I am using your AdMob extension 22.6, does it need a meta-data declaration? But if this is the issue, I have exported my .aab application even with the test IDs in AdMob, and I have kept the “test mode” checkbox selected. I have not entered the original IDs provided by AdMob. Is using test IDs and keeping the options in “test mode” causing the error? (Although it shouldn’t).

I will try keeping a file GMS that I deleted when exporting the .aab, let’s see what happens. I’ll be back.

I placed the GMSversion file, and it still indicates the following.

01-14 08:41:54.996 722 1671 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1 bnds=[28,650][161,843]} from uid 10027, pid 1719
01-14 08:41:55.017 722 1671 I ActivityManager: ->startActivity for ActivityRecord{1b82392 u0 com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1 t362} result:START_SUCCESS
01-14 08:41:55.074 722 738 I ActivityManager: Start proc 16946:com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/u0a809 for activity com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1
01-14 08:41:55.120 394 394 D [email protected]: Enter getSceneIdByName: sceneName:com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex
01-14 08:41:55.668 16946 16946 I chatty : uid=10809(com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex) identical 6 lines
01-14 08:41:56.048 16946 16946 I chatty : uid=10809(com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex) identical 1 line
01-14 08:41:56.097 16946 16967 D MediaCodec: app porc_name:com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex mime:audio/mpeg
01-14 08:41:56.099 16946 16969 D MediaCodec: app porc_name:com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex mime:audio/mpeg
01-14 08:41:56.134 16946 16946 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex, PID: 16946
01-14 08:41:56.134 16946 16946 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1}: A required meta-data tag in your app’s AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. You must have the following declaration within the element:
01-14 08:41:56.139 722 1671 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1
01-14 08:41:56.151 722 737 I ActivityManager: Showing crash dialog for package com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex u0
01-14 08:41:56.188 722 737 D WindowManager: Input focus has changed to Window{ad473d9 u0 Application Error: com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex}
01-14 08:41:56.645 722 736 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{1b82392 u0 com.royalcouncilor.neoprocodex/io.kodular.neoprocodex.Councilor.Screen1 t362 f}

Is this what is missing?

android:value=“@integer/google_play_services_version” /

Edited: Wait, I think I’ve been downloading the previous version. It seems that Google is slow to provide the new version uploaded. I’ll see if the error persists or it was my mistake.

It should be working now.

Yes, Google takes some time to publish new update.

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Yes. The download version was updated, I downloaded my app for an internal test and now everything works fine. The detail had been that at the time of exporting the .aab I had deleted a GMSversion component, believing that this manifest made it automatically kodular. I have placed it again, exported .aab, uploaded it to Google as a new version. I waited an hour for the update to take and I was able to download it. Now everything is fine. thank you :wink::+1:

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