Open your project file with 7zip as you did with the aix file and go to assets\external_comps if you don’t have this folders then just create them by hitting the F7 while in the 7zip folder and name them accordingly
Now just drag the ListUtils to external_comps folder
We have to change some stuff in as well, go back to main set in your project by hitting the double dot thereafter choose youngandroidproject folder and right click on the file for edit
Compared to what? The OP created the app 6 years ago. The offline version of AppyBuilder was updated 5 years ago. So where could the problem be? If other components are affected, it would be very tedious to remove them via 7-Zip/WinRAR. Replacing them with extensions would be practically impossible.
But while first screen works, second screen not.
I have dendritas table and chartmaker extensions in this screen.
I paid for dendritas for some modifications by the author Andres Cotes.
The error is: Failed resolution of: Lorg/acra/ACRA;
Thanks, i already made a test and it works. Only problem for me is that dendritas table was capable of sorting table for each column (ascending or descending), and find text. There is something similar?
Chartmaker has problems too. It show no graphics. The problem is:
Impossibile load web page file:///data/user/0/…html because:
I think all this problems due to restrictions by Google in newest android versions (probably 11+) to access storage space…
Load your html file from shared storage, ASD or the assets
Non media files which your app does not own, you can’t access easily anymore in newer Android versions, see also Some basics on Android storage system
For those you have to use SAF