Hey, there i am creating a school management app can anyone help me

please anyone help me

Help you in what :thinking: I didn’t quite understand you.please explain what problem do you have clearly :wink:

a school management app

what features you need ??

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Okay, what problems you have? What have you tried , if you want to hire a developer to develop it for you, change the category to #marketplace:request

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like this.

And what have you tried @Amit_Chaudhary?

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Do you know programming logic? Will need. Can you draw a database? Will need. After that, register the students. And then the doubts start: will you let the students register? or will the registration be done at school on a website or a desktop program? What about Teacher registration? What about the registration of school subjects? And the classes? And much more…

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What you have tried yet or want ready to eat stuff

Tell us what you have tried yet.

also tests