How Airtable update and retrieve data

Hey Guys​:blush:

Please help me i am working on a project where User Register their data.i store them in Airtable.

like these–

I create a Update Profile page where if User Want to change their data (Except USer ID-it’s Fixed) they will be able to update in airtable,When USeRID is matched. the data should be update in them.

Update page–

but i am getting error…
i am doing like that—

please see what’s error,please help​:blush:

You are doing wrong
You first need to identify the exact row number of user
Then …
On column names block make a list of your column names [email, name, dob phone password userid]
On values block make a list of values to be stored[you are doing right]

can you please show me block…
it helps me lot…

You give a try on that [I can’t provide block image right now]
Now to find the user row number…
on first… Call for all phone numbers

Use index in list block to find out the user row number