How can i calculate the day of the year

i want to calculate the day of the year , for example for date 30-12-2021 the day of the year is 364 , then if i input anydate in my textbox it should calculate the day of the year and show it in the label (when i click on button 1 i am getting the current dates day of the year ,but if i input anydate then i should get the day of the year)
DAY_OF_THE_YEAR.aia (2.0 KB)
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ok i will not tag , please check my doubt

this is the week name , i want to get the day of the year , for example in my aia attached above in my question when i click on button 1 i am getting the todays day of the year is 365 , if the date is 31122021 then which day of the year

how you will enter the date? Pls more specific

31122021 or anyother method?else show screenshot

the user will fill the date in the text box , the date will be filled by user by seeing the hint , i will provide a hint in the text box that the in which format the date to be entered

Provide the date format that you will use

this is that date format to be used - dMyyyy

it is not accessible by any clock, it should be more clear to the clock. while retrieving time you can use the format


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try this (updated)

DAY_OF_THE_YEAR_1.aia (3.1 KB)


then try this
DAY_OF_THE_YEAR_1(1).aia (3.2 KB)

Otherwise you have to use segment text to get date’s parts if it is the form of ddMMYYY but it will be difficult. Someone might write 522025 and another one 05022025

there is a formula to get the day of the year , but i dont know the formula
Date 29122021 the day of the year is 363
Date 30122021 the day of the year is 364
Date 31122021 the day of the year is 365
Date 112022 the day of the year is 1

Kodular Creator 12-30-2021 4-06-46 PM
why i am getting this error

input date must be MM/dd/YYYY format

ok thanks yours answer is almost correct , but the answer i am getting is 1 digit less , for example if i enter date 12/30/2021 the answer should get 364 , but yours formula is showing it as 363

Have you test mine procedure ?
DAY_OF_THE_YEAR.aia (2.7 KB)

the reason is, last day will not be included, so simply you can add +1, which will count the entered date also