If so then adjust the url to call I value too. And put it into the list. Then just by using for each items in the list block you can confirm whether Col I field is empty or not in the fileters items of ‘Received’
Thanks I will Try
and What About This
And If I want Other Condition To review Data from sheet
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P-94GyGyVWosJ7NRStGxBtWczMeMlXkSECTELW6M3io/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet=Sheet1&tq=SELECT A,C,F,G where H=‘Received’
gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet=Sheet1&tq=SELECT A,C,F,G
where H=‘Received’ & where I=‘Username
type Like This or other way
Try like this
SELECT A,C,F,G where H=‘Received’ AND I=‘Username’
Here username must be a number as given in the gsheet. So user tinydb
Got it?
yes Thanks Very Much
if possible share me your demo aia here or in pm
yes it’s working but
i need to put condition
col I
not contain any text
change i
to username
and H To Progressing
If COL I Contain Text Don’t Show Notified
This Order Under anther User
to Avoid Any User Take Same Request
because When Web Show Data Will Show To All User I try From other User After One Take This Order If Any One Else Press Accept Change To Other User
imagine, if two or three more users opening the same app at a same time or one person network got delayed then every value will be overwritten. to avoid this, you need to call evrytime particular row data before saving the value . you should not send directly on pressing the button.
How Can I Do This
Easy For me
Put Condition
col I
not Contain Any Text
Change I To Username And H To Progressing
This Order Under Anther User
Can You Help Me To Add This Condition Please
but you can use this condition after getting I data from the sheet while pressing Received button…
If you and me connect the app right now, then both will see all the received… if you press button then your data will come save, and the same time if i press my data will overwrites your data though you use any condition(but this condition is not live condition, ), this is what i am trying to inform you
No Problem any Way To void Over Write User
then why do you have to call all received value? ,It is enough to call only the received(col H) but empty celI(col I) values alone…
because I Finished Other App This App Send This Data To Sheet
and If I want Show All Data To All User I Must Use H Col “Received”
To Show All Data
And If I Want Show My Data I will Call
Col I For “Username”
Col H For “status Order”
then in the get all data, just add H letter to like SELECT A,CF,G,H and after getting data (create one more global variable and store col H data into it) store the col H data in this variable. and on clicking the button call the col H from the list and use the above said if, then, else condition… simple
Not Working PLZ Check making Over Write