Hello Community
I have Data On google sheet This Data Created By Dynamic Component extension On Card view This My Block
and This My google Sheet
I wand to change value on this sheet see last pic
thanks plz help
Hello Community
I have Data On google sheet This Data Created By Dynamic Component extension On Card view This My Block
thanks plz help
If you know the row number easily you can save it using the guide earlier in the previous post (@TimAi2 - Googlesheet for app inventor), possible to do . By using the function writeCell or writeRange
Else you can use the Googlesheet extension
i don’t know the row can i do this
I hope you can do it by order number, to find the row number In which data is to be replaced
[quote=“Still-learning, post:2, topic:170735”]
actually i can’t store order number on tiny Db
and i can’t do this any help for this guide
My idea
if user click store order number on tiny db search on this number and change index on same row
but i can’t any help on this
Use Index Is list in thing to get row number
and then Do
On click , get col A details from the sheet vis import csv method…
When web got data, find the index number of tinydb order number by comparing with the obtained list of data’s. (Use index is in the list) Once get index number, by using the guide use web url as
https://yourScriptUrl?ID=yourGsheetID&FN=writeRange=H(indexnumber):I(index number)&DATA=["data1","data2"]"
Use the above said method to overwrite on the existing datas
When app initi just call the colA data and do as I said above,
The over all process is very simple.
When app initialise call col A detail and make into a list in global variable…
When user clicks accept button call the username and index number of tracking number stored in tinydb by comparing with col A list… and by using above said url just save the data …
Change data1 to processing and data2 to tinydb call user name tag value
now i call col A in global variables
When user clicks accept button call the username and index number of tracking number stored in tinydb by comparing with col A list… and by using above said url just save the data …
i can’t take your point
you mean store all colA on tiny DB
No… No need to store…
Use when button clicked,
If is the component isDynamic
Wait for few min
You are confusing me I think… in this post (no.8)you are creating dyna compo from web response it seems.
Who will click the button accept, user or admin? If it is admin app how you get username from tinydb???
sendver.aia (1.7 MB)
This My screen Project plz help me because iam trying from one week but i can’t
This is admin or user app?
This is User app
You are calling only the recieved items only into app itseems, if so you no need to call all the items… just use gviz method
Yes i need to use received only on this screen plz help
this Is My script
function doGet(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(“sheetdetails - Google Sheets”);
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(“data”);
function doPost(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(“sheetdetails - Google Sheets”);
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(“data”);
function addUser(e,sheet) {
var username = e.parameter.username ;
var name = e.parameter.name ;
var idnumber = e.parameter.idnumber ;
var accountnumber = e.parameter.accountnumber ;
var whatsappnumber = e.parameter.whatsappnumber ;
var dateofdeath = e.parameter.dateofdeath ;
var statusomrah = e.parameter.statusomrah ;
var usernamemaker = e.parameter.usernamemaker;
var statusrequest = e.parameter.statusrequest;