How can i close the screen?

i am unable to close the screen. i want to close the screen and open the screen2.

Actually, i have 3 screens which name is screen1,screen2,screen3.
now, in screen1 when i click on a button it’s open screen2, And in Screen2 when button is click it’s open Screen3. Now, i want to close the screen. So, i use close screen block.
but the problem is that it’s open screen1 not screen2 .

i want to open screen2 on close screen.

Note : i don’t want to use open another screen because it reload the screen2 as i have too many blocks on screen2 so, its start hang.

please help me

As i have already Said , that i don’t want to use open another screen.

hey please understand me.
i am saying that i don’t want to use open another screen block