How can I configure my app-ads.txt file?

I have read kodular docs related to How can I configure my app-ads.txt file? But I don’t understand anything can anyone help me and explain full process in detail

Use the above message to find your specific code and add it in yours app-ads.txt file .

I want process to make and publish it

Please read the documentation instead of spamming the forum.

I have read but I am unable to understand what to do can you tell me all steps whic app to use how to use how to make app Ads txt etc

All the steps are there, why don’t you try following them?

What have you tried so far and where are you stuck?

I don’t know how to create file I am stuck there do we need website for. That??

where can i find the child network code???

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O código de rede filho é aquele que fica no canto superior quando entramos no google admanager ou aquele que fica no campo gerenciamento de múltiplos?

Translation added by Mod

Is the child network code the one that is in the top corner when we enter google admanager or the one that is in the multiple management field?

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Use this
Search your name.
This should be the result.


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child network code


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I have been asking Kodular to look into issue but I don’t think that they believe there is any issue from their side.


Hello !
Do we need a website in order to user this file ?
how can we do without a web site ?
(my reglementation site is on google site, I cannot add app-ads.txt below ! )
are there another option in order to user this file ?
and what if i do not use this one ? publicity are still display no ?
thx !

I did everything as described
Also, the app displays ads, but the balance is still zero :thinking: