How can i download my designed app?

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You can download your app by EXPORT>>SAVE APK TO COMPUTER

I did exactly that. But its not loading on my phone. I also use code, same result was gotten. Can someone help me out?

here is what I received each time I try to open it. Please help me out. Here is my app download link below

Your app is named “Laga_cash”. If it is an Earning App, I’m just disappointed that you made that kind of app before learning how to export apps. :disappointed:


lol thats crazy he made a earning app and dont know how to download the app. Thhats an typically youtube user what can oly copy and paste, too lazy to look at first, how he can do it on hiss self. But i think Kodular have the easiest GUI and it self explaining. But really nice nerver seen that before. Wabt ake money lol I think and hope for him he get rich and kodular get their rewards.


I need your help not to mock me. You are expected to be of good help, not to mock me at all… If you can’t help me, just leave me alone.

sorry man if it looks lkike so. i dont want that you fell like so. fofr really. If you need help anymore let it me know. i will look how i can help you. But you have to understand me, in that time we have alot of user what destroy the system because they make only earning apps and not more. and this is not complain with google. we dont want that in one day our builder gets banned bc the a lot of the people make earning apps. it is not allowed to do apps like that.

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But he is right that it is not ok to call someone lazy. Show each other some respect.

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Okay. Which app can I make with this platform if not earning? This is the first time I’m using this app. I will like to know how to use it, should in case I need to design business and other apps in future.

They just warned you. Kodular’s TOS doesn’t allow you to make earning apps.


Noted… I will have to delete it then

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Basically anything. Messaging, Drawing, Games… Anything.


If I want to design the approved app, how do I download it ad well?

Export > Download APK or Generate QR Code

As he told, but i would reomment that you take your companion app , like to test apps and you scan the generated code if you click on export/genertateQR code. This is the fastest way do get the app oj your phone. In the other wy you need to send the downloaded apk to your phone

Mm why not scan the QR on your phone? I find it the best way to test stuff. :slight_smile:

as ibtold this is the fastet way to get the app on your phone.