How can i get data from firebase and show it in dynamic card

:sob:what should i do


Difficult to find the issue now as tags are got but the value are not getting. May you please post your full blocks so I can look once?

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@PRO_Solvers , your blocks seems right. I am still confused why that is happening now. I am confused here that the tags come successfully but values is not coming.
Try to get the value manually. Set the project bucket to Challenge1 and Get the value of Date tag and let see it return something or not. If it haven’t returned the value then I can guess it may the problem in your values format. Maybe you have used space.


i did everything manually removed get tag list and and called Challenge1 when screen initialize and added get value in screen initialized and successfully got values of Challenge1 then i tried again with get taglist with for each then same problem got the tags but not values
@Kodular is there any way to get data from firebase and show it in dynamic card?

If you have no authentication rules then you could use Web component. Set Web1.Url to


and then when Web1.GotText to get responce content

For example


Now you have 3 lists and you can use them to create dynamically labels

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:disappointed_relieved:how can i make this app without authentication, its impossible as its a cycling app, is there any otherway?

i found this way, if i store in this way then will i be able to retrive it? @dora_paz @iamwsumit

Another approach, using two firebase components


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Do you expecting like this?



thanks a lot

Thank you so much! Is there any way to design it to look like this?

Use dynamic components extension by @yusufcihan

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Sure , you need to add dynamic button. Using html code you code modify this and all

ok, but i didnt see any option to edit dynamic button with html

As per your design, Dynamic compound extension created by @yusufcihan will be good

WIth default blocks you can create like this but you can align each component in the desired position. That’s why we advised you to use extension…


when i am clicking on the button it is not going to another page


You are click on buttons however you are using WhenAnyCardView.Click block. If you have to get the click on a button then You have to use WhenAnyButton.Click instead of this.

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no no you are getting me wrong its name is startChallengeBtn but its a card

I never got it wrong but you are saying yourself that

But you are showing CardView.Click block

BTW you can get the click this way