How can i load big data(12600rows) from csv file using kodular dynamic without lag or freeze

is there any idea to load big data from csv file without freeze or lag !!

Maybe use clock?

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I tried using the clock timer but it is not possible to split rows or columns that imported from csv file. It just delays the process

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can you show us what have you tried?

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I will send the aia here to show
But also I tried in only csv have 1000 rows!!
And when call list (call dynamic component) the app show message > app not responding

fortesting.aia (1.0 MB)
I have run out of patience and I’m testing all components (I tested dynamic extension also same problem), I tried all methods and the problem stillll

i think the problem related to Ararangement that used in dynamic


i tried this but there is no way to use search if data call one by one using baserow

Search the data(csv table list) not the display…

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Can you just clarify what blocks are used? For a week, I have been trying to upload the data

please just searching block from csv

If it was me, I would create an sqlite database table for the data, then I could use the SQL query language to return searches on the data, then just return the result to the dynamic list. This (sqlite) is much quicker than most methods in Kodular/AI2.

I recommend Taifun’s SQLite extension for this (£)

I would also use a vertical dynamically created listview, this is much easier for users than a horizontal one

thank your
first i will try with tutorial you send (in csv file)
is there is any extension vertical arrangement dynamic ?

I checked your aia, actually it is working fine in screen2. Only thing is you failed to close the notifier

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no problem in app stop responding ???

Nothing in companion… see this

what i did is, just added one more clock. because whenever you are dealing with big numbers better give one small breath to the app

Also my suggestion, Yo are trying to create total 500 items in dyna components at a timer. better with the help of clock component try to develop part by part… i mean for every 1000 or 2000 try to evelop either by 50/100/… something lke this

If so your app will do good

this is problematic one

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can you resend the aia please :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

i cant get data from fil2(after clock timer)