How can i protect my apk from reverse engeneering

i am using obfuscated text string and encryption for sensitive data in my app for preventing the data and programming codes from reverse engeneering , is there any more methods for protecting the code of the apk from attackers

i have searched that proguard can prevent the code from attackers ,

To protect your APK from reverse engineering, you can take several measures to make it harder for someone to extract and read your code. While it’s difficult to prevent reverse engineering entirely, you can make it more complex by using the following techniques:

  1. Obfuscation

ProGuard: ProGuard is a tool that comes with Android’s build system. It helps by shrinking, optimizing, and obfuscating your code. This means it renames classes, methods, and fields to meaningless names (like a, b, etc.), which makes the code harder to understand.

To enable ProGuard:

  1. In your build.gradle file, ensure that minifyEnabled is set to true in the release build configuration:

buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android-optimize.txt’), ‘’

  1. Customize ProGuard rules in the file if necessary.

R8: R8 is the default code shrinker and obfuscator that replaces ProGuard in modern Android development. It performs the same tasks but is faster and offers better optimization.

Here is the link for proguard library

can anybody make extension for this proguard