How can i set text in label in multiple lines

i have stored a quote in a single cell in google sheets ,
the quote contains four lines
now when i am getting the quote from sheet to label , the four lines are merged and converted in to 2 line , and the quote in label is showing in two lines only

but i want to make it to show in four lines in a single label

below is the quote stored in google sheet
2023-10-19 - 17-17-02 - 10 Short Nursery Rhymes for Children - A Mothership Down

i am getting in app is like this

i want to make it to show in four lines in a single label

below is my google sheet link where the data iss stored

this is my aia file
paragraph_test.aia (41.1 KB)

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-10-19 154546

  • you should use this

Duplicate of