How can i store data & get load from airtable to phone memory (cache data) and update only news from internet (new data from airtable)

Here add create empty list block.

Also you have placed the tinydb save blocks in wrong places. Move into exact place. Else your tinydb will store no value .

you mean that i put value to store in plae of cloumn name???

Just above the column value…

what u mean

I wante to load data from airtable but every time when i open screen it load se ee it

Jaffa Kre? I think goauld isn’t allowed here.
And also double posting isn’t allowed.

what ???
if you have soltion then slove my issssue ok

Please check your grammatics or use a translator. Your posts are hard to understand.

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Pls save the values properly in tinydb at the exact place.

When global images to get values, just next to that add tinydb save value tag (images) value (get values) just like in all tinydb

The simple logic is, during screen into check tinydb have any values or not.

If it have values directly proceed else call the spreadsheet to get values

While getting values kindly save it properly in tinydb

But unfortunately I didn’t find any such logic in your screen init so your app will load everytime

Or better try like this, but this block will save the values only in tinydb . In order you to not to load everyone you must use logic in screen initial

it is correct

Noop… You didnt read the above post properly it seems :weary: :weary: :weary:

how//// i cant understand

thanks m y data will store in cache but how can i get data???

this is my screen intized

producer is ___

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