How can pick or open pdf file in kodular

Try this one pdfviewer
pdfviewer (7).apk (5.6 MB)
it’s working on my android 11

download2ASD by @bodymindpower and File picker extension by@JEWEL used.


Thank you so much… I’m fix this problem. Upload any pdf file to firebase storage and post link to firebase database

Thank you so much to all. I’m fix this problem :grinning: :star_struck:. Upload any pdf file to firebase storage and post link to firebase database. yahhhuuu

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Tested on Android 11.

When the app starts, 2 pdf files (test1.pdf, test2.pdf) are copied from the assets to the root dir of the ASD and to the /Download/myPDFs/ folder of the ASD. These pdf files are then be picked.



Please provide aia and apk file

Amazing work… @bodymindpower

It’s my own way, uploaded with firebase storage and firebase database…:hugs::hugs::joy:with overview

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Can you give me aia file?

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