How do I create a variable that saves?


I am new to Kondular, I have just come from AppGyver just because of being able to display Ads on my app. I really need to know how can I make a variable that also saves and is loaded when the user enters the app. Please help me, thanks!

At least have the decency to get the name correct.

What have you tried so far?

Kodular* (happy now?)

I’m trying to find where I can make a simple variable that supports numbers. The editor seems kinda familiar with scratch. I don’t know where to create a new variable. I have just tried working on other parts of the app such as design and login with firebase.

This is one of the most basic parts of using Kodular.

You should read the documentation and learn how to use Kodular before trying to create an app. You can also search the forum, google, YouTube etc for tutorials, hints, and tips.

Don’t be rude.

To save variable. Just store the data in tiny db and load it when screen initialize