How do I view a live active User of my app? please help

How do I view a live active User of my app? please help

Explain exactly what information you want to see from a live user.

As a side note, I think If you want to spy on what your user is doing live in your app, you should include that in your privacy policy, and let users know your app is spying on their activity.


I think he is asking about how can we show live active users(Count number of users using the app presently) like live 30 users

yes it correct

use a server database to store the active users
1) a user is active, after he/she started the app (i.e. in Screen.Initialize add the user to the database)
and 2) a user is inactive after he/she left the app (i.e., then remove the user from the database).

To find 2) out, you can use the tools extension together with the AfterActivityChanged event. If state = pause, then the user left the app. The user comes back, if state = resume


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Is it worked?