How do you retrieve each line of text and store it in a different variable?

Hello, friends.

I’ve been struggling for a few days with a small problem.

I would like to retrieve each line of text and save them in different variables.

Here’s an example:

Here is a variable global_Text which contains this
715 052 018 613
47213 70 2014 0 00178

my goal is to record each line of the variables like this:

Here’s a global_Text variable that contains this
70001 — put in a variable L1
001-HALLN°3 — put in a variable L2
VELOZAFY ELODIE NINA — put in a variable L3
715 052 018 613 — add to variable L3
BOUCHERIE PORC— add to variable L4
A — add to variable L5
2001650314 — add to variable L6
47213 70 2014 0 00178 — add to variable L7

If anyone can help me I would be really grateful.

Thank you very much.

Which tag you used for new line in your text ? have tried some code ?
You can try the split text at and use like at text your tag like <br> or \n

Thank you for your reply :pray:.
At the beginning the retrieved value was 70001//001-HALLN°3//VELOZAFY ELODIE NINA//715 052 018 613//BOUCHERIE PORC//A//2001650314//47213 70 2014 0 00178 and I replaced // by \n .
My goal is to 'record the values 70001,001-HALLN°3,VELOZAFY ELODIE NINA,… which are separated by // in different variables.

So you can split at // and you will create a list where each items is the text you need . You can use the list or save each item in a new variables , I think you don’t need this second way, the list is all you need then you will manage the data as you like

Can you make me a small example block on that please :pray: :pray: :pray:?
70001//001-HALLN°3//VELOZAFY ELODIE//715 052 018 613

I really don’t know how to do this.

Thank you very much :pray: :beers:

Please help me my friend. :pray: :pray: :pray:

If you are going to work with text strings, first make sure you have explored their blocks and functions.

Will return a list

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I really want to create a list but I can’t. Could someone please help me?

As I said you and Gaston showed you , this block

Split your Global text and save it in a list variable . that’ s all

I think yours is due to a lack of interest or understanding, it will be difficult for you.