How i create a card view like this?

i know its so long but please don’t offend :grinning: :grinning:

These are the blocks of how you make those images / cards of like, bookmark, etc.

Show blocks of how you check that it is clicked.

blocks (26)

here it is

Simply its wrong.

You need to use Any Component.

So, you made everything right
the blocks with Button
the blocks with CardView
the blocks with image
All were right.

How you was checking clicks was wrong.

i tried it with card view and button also but in case of card view image are not show and also in the case button i will show u the images

Update your Blocks like this again -

Then i will tell how to do it correctly.

here is the block as you told

Do you want add cardviews like this dynamically? If yes use @yusufcihan 's dynamic components extension. If you cant create pls let me know. But once try yourself

i already created it but my problem is bottom buttons are not clickable

How did you create buttons? With extension?

can you send me aia file?

here is the blocks

Now go to Any Components.

From there select Any Button.

And in that Select click event.

And add Notifier in it.

Can you send aia? I want to test myself

i don’ find any click event??
could you explain in brief

The fist Option -
When Any Button Click.

1 Like

then how i select a specific button i.e for like button it show messge " like" , for bookmark button it show" bookmark" for share it show" share

First answer -

is the Button click working.


1 Like

no its not working

yes its working same for all button now i want to differentiate all button