How ?On using walk all at level how to get Specific Keys

Hi team Kodular I have this data :
“items”: [
“chatId”: 6557548900,
“title”: “Coke”,
“quantity”: 1,
“price”: 5,
“itemTotal”: 5,
“timestamp”: “11/30/2023, 6:37:24 PM”
“chatId”: 6557548900,
“title”: “Pizza”,
“quantity”: 1,
“price”: 10,
“itemTotal”: 10,
“timestamp”: “11/30/2023, 6:37:24 PM”
“chatId”: 6557548900,
“title”: “Fries”,
“quantity”: 1,
“price”: 10,
“itemTotal”: 10,
“timestamp”: “11/30/2023, 6:37:24 PM”
“chatId”: 6557548900,
“title”: “Tako”,
“quantity”: 1,
“price”: 15,
“itemTotal”: 15,
“timestamp”: “11/30/2023, 6:37:24 PM”

And What i want is this :

food Qt price

Coke 1 5
Pizza 1 10
Fries 1 10
Tako 1 15

Can Some One Help Me ? thank you

This Is a Json Right
Just use “Format Json to list” block in the Web Component.
And you will get list of all Data in the form (Title,Content)

Edit: Don’t ask For blocks try it yourself

thank You ! But Which method should i Use to get Title , qantity , itemTotal

i tried this method but it only for one key “title” :

setItems : ++> list by waliking key path ++> make a list ++> walk all at level / “title”
++> in dictionary or list ++> getResponse

i would get multiple keys : title quantity and price ?

No go like this

Change the number in the Red Box to Get Different Tags. This Might be little Random so check each number to set the Correct Tag Values To correct Variable list