How to add asset and sign aab file (Android only)

Thank you

Yes now we can do Edit or Modify the AAB file


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It is exporting in zip

As soon as I uploaded your way signed apk, i received this error

Your Android App Bundle has an invalid signature. Upload again with a valid signature.

you need to sign with your own key

Signing with my key only.
Moreover, key difference error is different.

I added Part 2 on how to sign AABs to my video tutorial.
It takes less than 1 minute to insert large files into the assets and sign the AAB.


@Shreyaa Thank you for the tutorials and the effort you put in! :+1:


Thank you :blush:


Which file people need to paste? Is it mandatory?

Did you read the topic head line ?? For adding Asset over 30 mb

what is the Keystore password for koduler

See here

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password is android

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Error: File ‘BundleConfig.pb’ was not found.
When upload to Google Play

See this: Google Play Store error 403 File 'BundleConfig.pb' was not found - Questions - VoltBuilder

I discovered of my files not are in root directory.
When compact to ZIP, the program created new folder with same name of app.

Now, the signature is not valid when upload in a PlayStore
I am going to discovery why

Same error.
Signed with my android.keystore exported from Kodular
What to do?

Signed with jarsigner but, same error in upload to Play Store: Signature invalid

This, is important?
Warning of jarsigner:

The signer’s certificate is self-signed.

Now go to base>assets>here paste your file

Which File you Upload ???

how do you add the .txt file please help