hellow friend, i have created this kind of list using listview,
but i’m trying to create favorite button (etc) in a listview , like this:
how do i add button like these on my listview, thanks.
hellow friend, i have created this kind of list using listview,
but i’m trying to create favorite button (etc) in a listview , like this:
how do i add button like these on my listview, thanks.
Amizing, please can you share on how did you achieve that, thanks.
The link shared by @Rogerio_Rios has enough reference material to get you a start. You just need to read that guide and change some logic as per your need. Try it yourself first.
Why to wait for any user to give you exact blocks?
{ "name": "ButtonOnListview", "metadata-version": 1, "extension_version": 5, "author": "Developer DXH", "platforms": [ "Kodular" ], "keys": [ "id", "color", "colorid", "title", "subtitle" ], "components": [ { "id": "Horizontal_Arrangement2{id}", "type": "HorizontalArrangement", "properties": { "AlignVertical": 2, "Clickable": true, "Width": -2 }, "components": [ { "id": "Card_View2{id}", "type": "MakeroidCardView", "properties": { "AlignHorizontal": 3, "AlignVertical": 2, "ContentPaddingBottom": 0, "ContentPaddingLeft": 0, "ContentPaddingRight": 0, "ContentPaddingTop": 0, "CornerRadius": 50, "Elevation": 5 }, "components": [ { "id": "Vertical_Arrangement1{id}", "type": "VerticalArrangement", "properties": { "AlignHorizontal": 3, "AlignVertical": 2, "BackgroundColor": "{color}", "Height": 60, "Width": 60 }, "components": [ { "id": "Label1{id}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontBold": true, "FontSize": 16.0, "Text": "{id}", "TextColor": "{colorid}" } } ] } ] }, { "id": "Vertical_Arrangement2{id}", "type": "VerticalArrangement", "properties": { "Width": -2 }, "components": [ { "id": "Label2{id}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 16.0, "Text": "{title}" } }, { "id": "Label3{id}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "Text": "{subtitle}", "TextColor": -9013642 } } ] }, { "id": "Card_View4{id}", "type": "MakeroidCardView", "properties": { "AlignHorizontal": 3, "AlignVertical": 2, "CornerRadius": 50, "Elevation": 0, "FullClickable": true }, "components": [ { "id": "Label4{id}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 20.0, "FontTypeface": 7, "Text": "volume_up", "TextColor": -9013642 } } ] }, { "id": "Card_View5{id}", "type": "MakeroidCardView", "properties": { "AlignHorizontal": 3, "AlignVertical": 2, "CornerRadius": 50, "Elevation": 0, "FullClickable": true }, "components": [ { "id": "Label5{id}", "type": "Label", "properties": { "FontSize": 20.0, "FontTypeface": 7, "Text": "favorite_border", "TextColor": -9013642 } } ] } ] } ] }
they are both useful.
thanks man.
Please mark it as the solution
thanks, it works fine.
i have a list of 200 items that i want to display, is there a better way to do that, some how i think the list is too big
use the database for that list.
my list does no require internet or you mean tiny db
Where is your list stored?
i store them manually like this
To fetch and store data offline you can use TinyDB
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