How to change firebase token and url online using firebase

I have made that app just for testing purpose and that was the main reason for adding that Change button. But you can also change the url/token directly from firebase.

Try this :

Those are the Blocks Of how you should Do it, it will ensure whenever you change the data it will update in app as well. Store the Values Like this :

Server :
Url : ā€œā€ your url here ā€œā€
token : ā€œā€ your token "ā€™ā€™

Hope this Helps you

AIA : SwitchViaFirebase.aia (2.7 KB)


I had a better way along with a very few blocks. :smirk:

Prove it Instead of Just saying it :smirk:

Itā€™s a deal of 10 dollars, man! :wink:

So, forget about itā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Okay, I changed my mind. I knew that guy wasnā€™t going to pay me a single peny, thatā€™s why I was just playing with him. But @channelcartoonbd if you really want to give me those 10$, I have PMed you my BTC address.
Hereā€™s how I did it @Abhijith_Dominic :

See how kind I am. :innocent:

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Your Codes does not update the Data whenever he changes it, like when the storage gets full and he wants to switch to another Database and if users are currently using it then they will face issues, while in my code they wont notice a single thing. So i win ? :smile:

Seems like you havenā€™t seen the blocks correctly or you havenā€™t understood itā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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I think i did, you did not understand what i am saying. Please read again

This was just a sample project, the user have to do some modifications himself as per his need, else he wonā€™t learn.

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Nice try :rofl:

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What you mean??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, Shreyash is totally right.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

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I taught him how to use DataChanged Event So he can use it in his future Projects and understand the use of that event

Eh! Leave it Yusuf, some people donā€™t understandā€¦ :smirk:

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But I think, using DataChanged is not required here. channelcartoonbd only wants how to change Firebase URL and token.

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Yep I clearly Dont understand the fact that i gave him AIA And Blocks of a System that works Better than Yours and you still argue with me to prove yours is better? maybe for the reward he offered, you did not even post the blocks or AIA and took it as some sort of a Challenge for 10 $??? I clearly dont get it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sorry but, you canā€™t say anything until testing it.

True ! :smile:

It is! He has 45000 Users and they need to transition to other server easily and there is a chance that atleast 1 person will use the app when he switch server soā€¦ think about it

Iā€™m not getting on you, just Iā€™m trying to be fair. Iā€™m trying to make sure thereā€™s no fight here.