How to conditional play sound?

There is a sound currently playing. when click other sound button , it should wait for the 1st sound to finish and then start playing.

I hope it's not impossible :)

add the new sound to play into a list
in the Player.Completed event check, if there are items in the list
if yes, play that sound and remove that item from the list


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in summary the condition I want looks like this ; after the music ends = when the loop ends…

as far as i understand it’s not impossible

then unmark the loop for all sounds and use the following logic

add the new sound to play into a list
in the Player.Completed event check, if there are items in the list
if yes, play that sound and remove that item from the list
else restart the just completed sound


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in summary the condition I want looks like this ; after the music ends = when the loop ends…
as far as i understand it’s not impossible

can you show a block for an solution. because i don’t know english and i’m having difficulties and i’m not a good coder sorry.

in this case it is not possible because the loop never will end

try something and if you got stuck, show a screenshot of your relevant blocks…


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Can anyone show an example block, I tired and can’t. :frowning: