How To control left and right volume while playing video?


I tried to build some apps, using Default Kodular Component such as Video Player and Player.

My goal is, use Video Player Component to play MP4 file and Player Component. Player Component for control Left Right Volume, but when i try to combine these to component its wont allow me.

I want while video MP4 play, i can control Left or Right volume…

Is there any way to use this component? or any extension to do that? better yet Equalizer to manipulate Bass or else… or even maybe Player Component which can combine any video player extension?

Please take a look block i upload… so you can understand what i mean


I try to use Video Player component on for component block but its wont clip… i dont know why…

Thank You

because you ony can use a Player component in that socket

so, there is no other way to archive my goal? thanks